
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Interesting game, though I wasnt sure what I should have been doing or if I was playing correctly! I included it in my MiniLD #66 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Time to see what's new in the hardly noticeable/quiet/unmentioned update! XD

Awesome! Love the soundtrack. The game looks pretty good as well. Maybe you should tag the game with #ldjam.

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Welcome to my Mini Ludum Dare #66 entry! The theme was RTS- real time strategy. I decided to make a simple game into a more strategic game in real time. So this is it! Battleships, just, uh... with ducks.

More updates in the works!

I hope the game's pretty self explanatory, if you want instructions to be added, just say.

All done by me, but research help from my dad, who was in the navy. Thanks to him, I've got realistic designs for weapons (with some obvious cartoony tweaks), these are-

Pond Slug- A make of British torpedoes were nicknamed "Sea Slugs".
Duck Charge- One type of air to submarine explosive was known as a "Depth Charge".

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

1.1.0 and 1.1.1! Bug fixes, AI improvement and new enemies!