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A Non-Canon Fighting Game Crossover between Heroes and Villains within the Baxverse Universe. #fangame #fighting #fightinggame #ikemen #action #baxverse #baxverseallstars

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Also, we're unable to post the Baxter Ewers (G) videos or any of the other Gameplay Trailers going forward to here for our safety, you'll just have to watch them over on RealBaxterVA's Channel! Thank You for Understanding!

The Mark of the Devil's Flame will soon be unleashed on December 18th around 12-12:30 PM EST Time! You'll get your hands on the older brother of Gunther, Baxter Ewers (G) from Monster of G: Bizarre Crew joining #baxverseallstars!

Season 1 has officially arrived! As well as it's first released character, Gunther from the Monster of G: Bizarre Crew series!

The Holidays are Upon us! A Training-themed Stage and as well as Baxverse All-Stars Ver. 2.1.1 will be released on November 28th! The Day after the release of Season 1 and Gunther Ewers (G)! #baxverse

Also, we have Screenshots of Gunther Ewers (G)! #baxverse #baxverseallstars


New Trailer for Gunther Ewers (G)! He'll be arriving to Baxverse All-Stars on November 27th, next Monday!

Baxverse All-Stars Ver. 1.0.1 has been released as it fixes the video settings default to 1280x720!

We've released a Tier List Template of Baxverse All-Stars, check it out here! -…