
Comments (2)

What do you think?

None of the games really stood out, except Definid. That is the single most realistic game I've ever played. Are you considering occulus support?

Definid is puddle runner.

A collection of Bentomino's Bad Games. Each and every one has included:

bugs, original and non-original sprites, fun, and much much more. Seven games all able to be acessed by the one and only BBG launcher. Here is a brief description of each game:

Definid: Apocalyptic runner

2000: A RTS against robot aliens

Figle Naut: A completely un-original fight to collect items.

Blue Blaster: Just blast the reddies.

Sploders: Splode the cities all gone

Scavenger: Scavenge away all the bad shuttles and do anything else required.

Starz: Make your very own galaxy, but watch out for the black hole.

Mild Cartoon Violence


I might add on a few games if people want me to?