Comments (3)
SERIOUSLY?? I made an 8-bit platformer game too, ALSO CALLED BALLOON BOY'S ADVENTURE. I think I made it before you, please check it out: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/208837022/ ~Martijntju108
BB's Adventure Demo Update 1
BB's Adventure Demo
A Platformer Game by me, made as my first ever Clickteam game! Currently, there's only a tiny demo, but eventually, there'll be a full version with way more content, including 2 Players! Play as BB (and JJ as Player 2) in this adventure! You can take the main path, or go on a secret-filled-- but more dangerous -- route to beat the game! Of course, a lot of that will only be in the full version, but you can look forward to that in the distant future!
BB is from FNAF 3
JJ, Dee Dee, and ???? are edits of the FNAF 3 BB sprite
Funtime Freddy is an edit of a Toy Freddy sprite by GamerBoyIcecream#5834 on Discord
Please note all screenshots are from the full version (or, what I was able to make of it with the free version of Clickteam) and these levels will not be seen in the Demo.