
Comments (400)

What do you think?

Here's a map for anyone interested. Let me know if I missed any locations.

Awesome game. Actually more of an experience than a game, if that makes any sense. The best I can do to describe it is to say its a pixelated, impressionistic vista of a futuristic city. The immersion is incredibly powerful, thanks to the visuals, but also the music and sounds. Inspirational.

"All Ages:

Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use"

Is that really ALL ages?

World Building: The Game. I love games like these where it is all about just exploring a world. We need more like these.

Interesting little exploration game. I enjoyed looking around the alien city, and highly recommend checking it out. It may be short, but it's free so you have nothing to lose! also check out my let's play of it and be sure to Like,Share,and Subscribe! (Note: the volume was a bit high on this let's play but I still think you'll enjoy it.)



Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

bernband linux pinguin

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

explore the city of the pff, 23 or something unique locations to discover, it's family-friendly

WASD - move

MOUSE - you look around with the mouse

ESCAPE - quit game

If you like this game[or not], then check out it's brother hernhand:

music in the car park area is that is probably copyrighted; it's by Chops:

Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use

bernband game

bernband brother of the green hernhand is available to play for the whole family