Comments (29)
I got One question about this game...
What in an actual hell? Lol
I have one last thing with the BGS franchise. Its just gonna be quick, because most of my work is going into the platformer/puzzler the guy with the red tie. Its called the BGS collection, which is BGS 1 2 3 and SJS remade for the sequel to the old engine. The guy with the red tie will be going onto Google Play too :D but it will NOT be made onto iOS, due to me NOT going to pay that 100 pound fee for a free app.
the sequel to the sequel is out!
Guys BGS III Is coming! Yay! But I made a desicion that you probs wont like. I am sorry, but SPOILER ALERT John Alex WILL die.
Bill Gates Story
Steve Jobs has came back alive! He has hypnotised people into thinking he is god... You must now try to find his castle, beating many ironic people along the way. From people like Gaben, to unknown people like Steves Guardian. Even meet Clippy! Enjoy, this is my first game.