Comments (14)
I thought it was very cute. I really enjoyed the "search/find/collect" and puzzles to make it through. Some of the elements were a little confusing of how they related to the story but overall the game play was enjoyable. I liked the clock stop reference as well. Keep up the good work. (:
Pretty good game but it needs some work
some pathing errors
some cut off text
the ringing of the phone does not stop if you leave the room without answering it the second time
metal heart/rod does not appear in your inventory
(you get them from the basement. in the container north of the room)
because the metal rod does not exist. you cannot get the object on top of the box. thus cannot open the basement door
the truth ending keeps repeating
I am sorry for asking but can anybody pm me how to get thing on the crate and where 8th orb is?
I enjoyed the game. Really loved the puzzles & the ”different from other rpg games” deaths :) Though the truth ending shocked me a little, I didn't expect that kind of ending, but it was awesome! Keep up the good work ! :D
Binds of Erika
Erika was a normal girl, living a normal life, until one day, she awoke in a strange room, with no way out. In this room she stayed, until one day, the door opened..