
Comments (13)

What do you think?

I Tought it would be the newest version but its the old lol

This was published about 6 years agos, in that time this game was not "fake" this was original


esto no es tear down me cago en todo


Pixels! Explosions! Game!

You are a thing, planting things that explode. The exploding things break apart other things, and you pick up shiny things while avoiding explosive and toxic things. Also, this game is very, very unpolished, and it is poorly optimized, and I may or may not come back to it at a later time.

Mild Cartoon Violence

Alright, so how many people mistook this old thing for the far more impressive voxel-based first-person heist game of recent memory?

I should probably change name of this game to avoid confusion.

Empty Space

I noticed the blank space around the terrain blocks on some resolutions. A fix is on the way in a few days. I am heading out of town, so it may be a while.