Comments (5,237)
Please, make a multiplayer version! The game will get really fun, like if you agree.
can you add a Dusttale Event please?
Here is the PERFECT tactic for all of ya needing help: When you see Chara on the screen INSTANTLY THROW THEM BACK (C) then immediately go to Bad Time Mode (Shift) use Gaster Blaster REALLY QUICKLY and then turn Bad Time off and then keep repeating that, HAVE FUN BEATING ALL THE LVLS!
Now we just need a mode to play as Frisk/Chara than we'll be set.
i want the update for the android version
Bonetale v1.6
Bonetale v1.5.2
Bonetale v1.4.2
Game Soundtrack

<<< ENG >>>
Undertale: Sans vs Frisk is a fan game based on Undertale on the Genocide path. In this game you, in the role of Sans, you need to defeat an evil kid named Frisk.
Game features:
A well-developed combat system with many attacks.
Several game characters.
Many costumes and maps.
9 levels?
Detailed control:
Arrow - Movement
[Z] - Bones. The longer the key is held, the more bone there will be.
[X] - Blaster Gaster.
[C] - Knock back Frisk.
[V] - Use item for treatment.
[Space] - Dodge.
[Shift] - Badtime mode. During Badtime, your character gains a boost to strength. His appearance and his attacks change.
Controls in Badtime mode:
[Z] - Bones turn blue.
[X] - Big Gaster blaster.
[C] - You change the gravity Frisk.
[Space] - Teleportation.
VK - https://vk.com/rewase
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/plancept/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM8dc6SRFXS65pi-pNjdH5g?view_as=subscriber
Discord - https://discord.gg/w3aUzmN
<<< RUS >>>
Undertale: Sans vs Frisk - это фанатская игра по мотивам Undertale на пути Геноцида. В этой игре вам, в роли Санса, нужно победить злого человека по имени Фриск.
Игровые особенности:
Проработанная боевая система с множеством атак.
Несколько игровых персонажей.
Много костюмов и карт.
9 уровней?
Подробное управление:
Стрелочки - Движение
[Z] - Кости. Чем дольше зажата клавиша, тем больше будет кость.
[X] - Бластер Гастера.
[C] - Отбрасывание Фриск.
[V] - Применить предмет для лечения.
[Space] - Уклониться.
[Shift] - Режим Badtime. Во время Badtime ваш персонаж получает прибавку к силе. У него меняются внешний вид и его атаки.
Управление во время Badtime:
[Z] - Кости становятся синего цвета.
[X] - Большой бластер Гастера.
[C] - Вы меняете гравитацию Фриск.
[Space] - Телепортация.
Группа ВК - https://vk.com/rewase
Группа Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/plancept/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM8dc6SRFXS65pi-pNjdH5g?view_as=subscriber
Discord - https://discord.gg/w3aUzmN