
© Jeroen P. Broks
Look at the credit and license page

Can we fix it? Yes, we can!
Open the puzzle editor

The ten commitments
Solve 10 puzzles in any order

Solve twenty puzzles in random order

The end of the month
Solve 30 puzzles in any order

You made it
Complete the "You can make it" puzzle

Trouw niet voor je veertig bent
Complete 40 puzzles in any order

I want it all! I want it all! I want it all! And I want it NOW!
Complete all 50 puzzles in ANY order.

WORLD FIRST: I want it all! I want it all! I want it all! And I want it NOW!
Be the first person in the entire world to complete all 50 puzzles (in any order).
(This achievement can only be given once during this game's entire lifetime. (a possible exception is when the one who got if first is banned from the game's official home page afterward). If the first person to ever score it, is not a GameJolt member, I guess we got BAD LUCK!)