
Comments (135)

What do you think?

I don't speak Portuguese, so apologies if you have trouble understanding what I have to say about the demo I've just played. To make it simple I'll do a bullet point Pros and Cons list.

- Even though I don't understand what the characters are say (I'm sure that's something the English option will fix in later versions), the cutscenes are pretty well done with a interesting blend of sprite animation and some drawings illustrating the plot that this game will have.
- In general I think the game looks pretty nice with bright and colourful environments and well animated characters
- I was also impressed with the inter-changing extra paths you had in the levels which is something a lot of Sonic fan games (and even official Sonic games like Forces) tend to forget about.

- The controls were difficult to use with BraSonic having a sluggish walking speed and very stiff air control which made the platforming section in that Waterfall Zone harder to complete than it needed to be (didn't help with the spike chains that I couldn't see in time).
- Controller support only supported the analogue stick for movement which is inconvenient for me since I prefer to use the d-pad for 2D platformers.
- The physics could do with some work as I noticed characters get stuck on loops when not running at full speed, you don't gain much speed from rolling down slopes, and when running up slopes characters are briefly locked in movement even when letting go of the direction.
- The Beaver boss I feel could do with more telegraphs for not only which direction it's going to face when landing but also for when you can damage the boss along with what attack it will pull. The boss wasn't hard to beat but some attacks did catch me off guard.

Overall I think this was a nice demo. It's not very often I see fan games from non-english territories, let alone one entirely based on a country. With some added polish I could see this being a pretty good fan game, so keep up the good work.

meo deos, Brasonic ainda vive...

mano nao pare continue com esse projeto por favor

Eu tô ansioso para jogar no celular

Quando vai sair para mobile


BraSonic 20XX (BrazSonic 20XX) - Windows

Version: 1.5.127 days ago
Versão final do jogo para Windows (Desktop).

BraSonic 20XX (BrazSonic 20XX) - Final (Android 4.4 / 13)

Version: 1.1.414 days ago


BraSonic 20XX é um reboot da série BraSonic, sem ligações com BraSonic 1 e BraSonic 2. A razão desse reinício, deve-se ao fato do BraSonic 1 já estar bem ultrapassado, em questões de contexto e visual, e também do BraSonic 2 não ter sido lançado ao longo desses últimos anos.

O jogo se passa no Brasil, no ano 20XX (em alguma época do século 21), onde o deputado Ivo Corruptnik, que sonha em ser presidente do país, busca pelas Esmeraldas da Corrupção para conseguir. No entanto ele vai ter que causar muita destruição no país pra isso. Aí o herói BraSonic entrará na jogada para impedí-lo!

O que tem de novo?

  • Fases inspiradas no BraSonic original, mas com novos designs

  • Personagens antigos de volta, só que melhores

  • Power-ups variados

  • Novas batalhas contra chefes

  • Special Stages mais desafiadores, em 3d

  • Diferentes modos de jogo

  • Modo Multiplayer off-line pra até 4 jogadores!

  • Conteúdos extras, dentro do jogo, a descobrir!



BrazSonic 20XX is a reboot of the BrazSonic series, with no links to BrazSonic 1 and BrazSonic 2. The reason for this restart is due to the fact that the BrazSonic 1 is already very aesthetically and technically outdated. Also, BrazSonic 2 has not been launched over the last few years.

The game is set in Brazil in the year 20XX (sometime in the 21st century), where the congressman Ivo Corruptnik, who dreams of being President of the country, seeks the Corruption Emeralds to achieve it. However, his ambition implies chaos and destruction to the lands and citizens. Then the hero BrazSonic will come into the scene to stop him!

What's new?

  • Action stages inspired by the original BrazSonic, but with new designs

  • The original characters are back, but they are even better

  • Assorted Power-ups

  • New and exciting boss battles

  • More challenging 3d Special Stages

  • New game modes

  • Offline multiplayer mode for 2 to 4 players!

  • Extra and unlockable content to find out!

Current Status

The complete version is about to be released!

#platformer #fangame #retro #parody #fun #brazil #sonic #humor

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

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Contornando alguns bugs irritantes

Pronunciamento Oficial sobre o pós-SAGE, bugs e futuro do projeto, companheires! | Official word about post-SAGE, bugs and project fucture, comrades!


BraSonic 20XX - Versão completa Disponível | BrazSonic 20XX - Full Version Available