
Comments (39)

What do you think?

I Downloaded it its good game

How do I download? I am new

can somebody send it to me

where is the download button do we have to go to a diffrent site?

where is the download

Born To Run is an arrowverse fan game , being developed by me and a couple of other devs . We do have a discord and please don't forget to join it ! The game will have characters from the following tv shows : The flash , arrow , legends of tomorrow , supergirl and Constantine .
#other #fangame #flash #arrow #supergirl #Dc #Arrowverse #legendsoftomorrow


This is it, as promised.…
You might see that the files were uploaded by Tecosaurus, Yes they are, he's the one who saved all the builds and public progress we released before we deleted the discord server.
Have a good day

Hello everyone, ever since i forgot about this game because we cancelled it i also forgot to update you guys. We stopped working on this game , BUT we released some builds for everyone to try, we will no longer work on this game.
Thanks for reading

The Old 1990 Flash

