Comments (4)
I downloaded and played this game yesterday. It had awesome graphics! I've been looking for a good bug simulator game. I understand it's in Beta so i will give you some ideas. First, third person mode should be optional. I really wanted to see what i looked like. There should be many different bugs to choose from. Like crickets, Locusts, spiders, Grasshoppers, Wasps, Bees, Praying mantises ect. I know this is alot to ask for, but so far i see lots of hope in your game.
Sincerely, SWAGBOSS77777
P.S. I'me exited to see you're first update!
the map should be bigger if ur still developing the game and other peaple could help you
not the best game
Bug Simulator Beta
Oh hey there guys! Bug Simulator is another parody game made from Unity. I made other games like Speed Demon Simulator which is also on gamejolt and has its own website! Check out these awesome sauce games on their respected websites. You play as a bug, doing almost nothing to show their insignificance to society. The game MAY hit Steam at some point in a full release. It is currently in beta. With some help with you guys you can suggest something you want in it, making it better, which I hope we can do. This game was never intended to be serious, by the way. Expect screenshots, videos, and other additions to the website as time passes. I hope you will appreciate this game at full release, anyway.
I'm actually fairly young to be making games and I'm proud of that. I never expected to actually make games people cared about. It makes me really happy that (some) people as a community like these games, inspiring me to make more. I'm a fairly new Indie developer too. I will get better, like alot better. For now, enjoy these games. The reason I like making games and videos is because I am computer-obsessed. Ever scince I was 4, (woah, right?) I was learning the laptop, and fast. I sometimes help people with computers! Anyway, thats enough about me.
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!