
Comments (3)

What do you think?

First off , VERY well made game , definitely like that , only bummer is that I was under the impression I was going to press more buttons , like they would come down the screen like guitar hero , except instead , I was recall-memoring-them you know ? , the game's more about memory as oppose to button frenzyness , other than that good game man ! off to play some more ..

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Menu Theme

Button Frenzy is a fast-paced arcade game that will challenge your memory and reflexes. Imagine the classic game of Simon, but with gamepad buttons and a drum and bass soundtrack, and you'll have a pretty good idea of what to expect.

It's a score attack game that challenges players' memory and their mastery of the classic Xbox 360 controller; with a similar difficulty and pace to something like Super Hexagon. A friend of mine made me laugh when he described it as "A hardcore version of Simon Says, but with screenshake and drum n bass music". It's a difficult game, but difficult in the way that allows the player to notice their own skills improving every time they play, and wanting to keep pressing retry so that they can beat the high score.

This page is for the 2 week prototype version of the game. A full version is currently in development. Check out the Steam Greenlight page for more info.


  • Frantic and compelling gameplay

  • Four difficulty settings

  • Drum and bass soundtrack!

Please note: Button Frenzy requires an XInput controller to play. (An XBOX 360 controller will work)

Button Frenzy is on Steam Greenlight! I'm currently working on making a full version of the game, which will have much more content and polish; and the aim is to release on Steam in the next few months.

If you like the look of the game; I'd be really grateful for a Greenlight vote!


Browser link to Steam Greenlight page


Button Frenzy on Steam Greenlight!