Comments (33)
Love the artwork!
You should add more levels & make it challenging as you succeed
The gameplay is pretty standard match-four stuff, and it could definitely use more challenge (I played this for 5-10 minutes and personally didn't notice it getting harder whatsoever, though some of the comments below me say that it's buggy so I might have encountered one), but I really like the artstyle and soundtrack. :)
Finally, I scared the campers
Kawaii~ c: GG
Tell a scary ghost story around the campfire by matching four characters. Avoid sleeping campers or taking too long else the campers will get bored.
(Note: game is currently still buggy at times. Chrome is the recommended browser as Firefox does not always work)
Design and programming by Adam Hartling
Design and artwork by rogueNoodle
Created for the Halifax Game Collective game pagent with the theme of "Ghost Stories"
Uses the Match3 gml engine by Software4me
Campfire sound
Mild Cartoon Violence