
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Amazing, 10/10 game. It has a prestige, clean controlling system, epic combat options, and a jam-packed filled story-line that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the day you unfortunately finish this gem of a game. I would recommend this to anyone, anywhere, anyhow.

Uncompleted engine. 2/5.

this game sucks so hard, its awesome! hahaha

Also, sticking to the wall.

#CandyJam .Okay, befoe complaining about sticking to walls, remember. You are candy. You stick to thing, you are sticky. Candy Candy Pizza Game Pancake Zone! Help Candy Candy find his friend, GumDrop from the PancakePizza Zone!

Version 1.4

Easier Level 4

Version 1.3

4 levels. Music. A game. Candy. "Cutscenes". Ending.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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