
Comments (1)

What do you think?

For some reason, there's a crash with error message when I started the game yet I can ignore that message and play the game
Anyways, the game is endless sailing with lack of variations. I noticed more fox pirates as time progresses but they don't help adding variations as their shoot rate is the same
Unlockables only give different look but not gameplay so they aren't worth the trouble


Captain Hoot

Version: 1.0.1almost 9 years ago

A lone captain, in his mighty vessel, trying to protect his booty! Navigate down the river

avoiding incoming obstacles. How long can ye keep yer booty afloat?

-Arcade/casual style game
-Multiple obstacles and enemies to avoid
-Stopwatch based score system
-Unlockable characters and boats

Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference

Patch for crash at start

I have fixed the crash which occurred when hitting “Play” without having a save file yet created.