
Comments (8)

What do you think?

cacho la fantasia

Looks cool.

wont even let me download any game

look coll

You're right, you do need a controller to play...


Changarin's War

Version: 1.0.0about 11 years ago


YOU HAVE TO plug-in a couple joysticks in order to play. Two players playing in the same keyboard is messy (and is not configured to work with it anyway).

If you REALLY want to play in the same keyboard, you'll have to modify input section from the unity pop-up app (that screen that appears as soon as you run the .exe, but anyways, it is not the way it was meant to be played).

Having said that, the only thing you need to do for playing is run the .exe file.

CONTROLS -- (Referencing a Xbox 360 Controller)


Move : Left Analog

Jump : A

Shoot : X

Walljump --> you can jump on a wall only once.


Pause : Start

Restart/New Level : Back

Quit : Escape (from keyboard)

RULES -----

You have 60 seconds to make the biggest score possible.

you can´t kill your colleage player, if you do so, you'll lose 2 points.

Each time you kill an enemy (the other npcs that look like your partner), you

earn 1 point.

If you pick up the items that drop from the sky, you'll earn 3 points.

After 60 seconds, the level ends, and other is generated.


Eyeglass/3D glasses --> laser beam that kills everything in its way.

Golden gun/screwer gun --> long range attack.

Cane/wrench --> Melee attack, short range.

bag of money/lunchbox --> bomb that kills all the players & npcs around it.

Changarin's War is a game about preconception, social classes, and all the conflict around them (expressed in a "funny" way). Think in industrial revolution, and all the workers (the tough proletarian) and their bosses (the capitalist gentleman) fighting for different ideas, needs and principles. Some of them think that "everyone are the same", so they see the rest of the people as workers or bosses, depending on each one.

Gaming stuff --> each player plays as one of them (capitalist or proletarian), and has to kill npcs and recolect items, without killing his mate (the other player). If you do so, you lose points, but dont worry, in a second he'll be respawned again... If a npc touch you, you lose one life, and after three touches, you are dead, but you'll be respawned again after a while also. The player with more points win.... but, we dont have time to celebrate! immediately after a level ends (after 60 seconds), other level is automaticaly generated (somethings change, others not, everything is random!), and the fight start all over again.

Have fun!

//Feedback? twit me : @Cabezotta


  • A lying Chronometer.

  • Controversy.

  • Some argentinian-only jokes (sorry).

  • Pretty awesome and admirable bugs. :)

  • Different kind of guns!

    • and, last but not least, Comic Sans font.

Cartoon Violence
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