Comments (38)
Here is a photos of the original Charlie the steak ios Game
What happened to icon?
The code doesn't work
is there anyway you can rename the game to "The Steak" and change the icon to the actual icon?
Charlie The Steak is an ultimate stress-breaker. It is a scapegoat we have created just for you, so you don’t hurt yourself are someone else when you are angry. Don’t worry, he’s not a real person nor he is a living creature. He is a steak!
"Best thing since physics was invented!" - Albert Einstein
"No civil war would be needed if there was Charlie back then." - Abraham Lincoln
"This is so awesome!" - 6 year old boy
Developers: nelydd
Testers: ozbruh, mazur, george, Ramadani
Designers: Ramadani
We not affliated with Dynamic dust, Azeacode and Green charlie.
#fangame #charliethesteak #android #apk #download #steak #charlie #mediafire #best #port