Comments (33)
idk Have any Ideas Cuz i'm Not Dev
@Yogui98 @thedanielspartaw75
Any of you got any ideas for CPW?
INTRODUCTION TO THE GAME___________________________________________
Welcome to Chica's Party World! Where Partytime is everytime! This is a F.N.A.F. game based of Circus Baby's "Old Location". Set in 1983, you are a guard making sure that the pizzeria is safe from burglars, but really the the animatronics. Like every FNAF game, you're trapped in the office until 6:00 AM. The animatronics' difficulty changes every night.
Partytime Chica/Prototype Funtime Chica
Partytime Bonnie
Partytime Yenndo/Suited Yenndo
Partytime Lolbit/Fixed Lolbit
Diner Freddy/Fixed Molten Freddy
Brutus/Fixed Ennard
Yes, there will be DLC. It may include:
-New Camera Layout
-New Animatronics
-New Code
GAME VERSIONS_________________________________________________________
Version BETA_____
Old animatronic models and old camera layout.
Version 1.0_____
New animatronic models and new camera layout
Version 2.0_____
Probably a new game engine
Maybe new mechanics?
More info coming soon!
©️ClippitMS_Entertainment1987, 2021.