Comments (12)
This is a very cool game!I found myself addicted to it.I really like the physics with the gunner in the ladder.I also like its graphics.It definently feels very smooth to me:D.
I really enjoyed it even thought it feels as if it needs more progress.
The ammo and enemy spawning seemed to stop after a certain period, causing me to get only a limited number of points.
There is a bug as when the helicopters health reaches zero, nothing will change and if you get hit the health will begin to go to the negatives.I dont know if you intended it but just a note.
one more thing I would like for it to be added is sound Weapon noises, Helicopter blades spinning, Music etc. but i think you might already be doing this, if not please do it would make the game much better! Overall A very nice game.
Very cool game. Love the physics and the goofy concept. They onyl problem I had, was that my health kept going further and further below 0, and I never lost. Great otherwise. :D
Wow, getting some serious Broforce vibes here! Incredible what you did with those physics and quaternions :V Add some music and sound effects, polish that API implementation up a bit and you're golden! You got my vote <3
If you're looking to play some more jam games on this final day of voting yourself, be sure to give mine a shot if you're into 80s arcade games at all!
I've even got a little contest going on, much in the vein of the eighties, closing in about 12 hours from now! Check the game out here: http://gamejolt.com/games/indies-vs-gamers-2084/80489
Leave me a comment with your thoughts if you'd like and drop me a vote if you like the game :) So long!
Even though this seems little unfinished I think it is a good entry. Nice graphics. And the chaos isn't necessary a bad thing ;)
Neat, fun game, could use some polish, but cool concept. I included it in part 26 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/jrv7vlDEzrw