
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Can’t wait for this game 🍍🍍🍍

Play tic-tac-toe against a tricky anomaly prone to misclicks in a dark government facility!
#horror #pointnclick

Animated Bloodshed

i almost forgot to upload mac version lmao

mac export gonna be uploaded soon.
web almost certainly doesn't work so don't bother trying
put it thru virustotal if feel uncomfortable with the download
it's late im going to bed gn

technical difficulties but it'll be up soon

my mental state going to shit but i'm almost done with the demo/alpha/first release
give me a day or two


Big things coming.
Big things...
(sorry for lag, my computer is trash lmao)

Some big shit is gonna go down soon...
Watch out for updates over the next few days!


new teaser :D
gonna have some fun with this message board mechanic

Got the algorithm working with some help from friends on Discord!
Thanks to them, the real development can now begin! >:3


Teaser guys real so cool!!1!!!!!!!1111!!11
Jokes aside, this is what the game itself will look like. Except with actual gameplay, of course.

Yes im working on another game
yes there is actually a chance of me finishing it this time