
Comments (4)

What do you think?

me testing my first comment lol

Good prototype, had a lot of fun getting UV damage and dying! I want to see the finished game! My suggestions are just to finish, with a start screen, so I don't panic and mess up by sending clouds out early xD Definitely a great start - especially for it only taking 2 days :D

A missle defense styled game where the sun is angry with the world. You must send happy and adorable clouds out into the sky to stop the burning rays of light from destroying the small village that worships them.


To send a cloud out to defend, click anywhere above the mountain top (currently clicking below will cause the cloud to bug out and stay right above the mountain. While in transit, the cloud WILL NOT block the rays of sun; only when the cloud reaches his destination will it begin to defend against the sun rays.

To create a shield type of cloud that stretches accross the screen, press spacebar. It will take 5 seconds for the cloud to grow to full size, and ONLY THEN will the cloud start to block the sun. Planning is key here!

Both clouds, once they reach their destination will slowly deteriorate, due to the hot sun killing them off (what a jerk)

Currently there is not a scoring system, but that will be implemented in future builds. Some of the art is still placeholder, and there are many more features going to be implemented in the coming days. Currently this has only been in development for about 2 days.

Please leave constructive critisism guys and gals!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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