
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Neat game. I've always liked block puzzles. I like the intro too. It gives the game an interesting context. Also interesting to have a hidden game mechanic. I got both endings. Or all three if you count dieing to the secret mechanic. :)

What did you build the game in?

Keep up the good work. :D

pretty cool! :) Just the collision tho, I get stuck most of the time from colliding with rocks. xD Also sometimes I get to push two boxes (?) at the same time. Would be cool make movement grid based. :)

I stopped playing it because the collision system wouldn´t let me do one level... Grid based movement would really help in this game. But the game is not bad!

I just finished the game but... is there more than one ending? It was als so sudden that I don't know if I did something wrong... Anyway, nice graphics and music for a classic concept. Collision detection is a bit off (pushing one too many pixels means having to reset a level), but it's still manageable. Good job, and keep at it!

Great story! I included it in part 1 of my GBJam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Enjoy "Cnos" an epic puzzle adventure in the depths of Oneshara, the Great Cave. Help Pip to escape from the cave in order to save his best friend, Greg.


  • Controls : A = Z, B = X, Dpad = arrows, Start = Enter, Select = Left Ctrl

  • Be careful with the collsions, the collision system sucks...

  • And... the Palette used : (196, 207, 161), (139, 149, 109), (77, 83, 60), (31, 31, 31)

Trying to do my best in my first Jam! :D #gbjam3

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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