
Comments (21)

What do you think?

It was good at times, and other times, it was kind of meh, but overall, I enjoyed this game.

This thing f**king killed my recording system, I had to PERMINITLY delete all of my files. And now, all of 'em flies are just floatin' around in cyberspace

This game is just a short sweet jump-scare game pretty well done if you want to see it check out the video â–º and to the curator of this game keep it up I'm looking forward to more content from you

Put fucking settings dumbass


A Colorless Nightmare

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago

A Colorless Nightmare is a very short game I made in the spirit of October and Halloween. The game is almost completely in black and white and uses low poly graphics. This game isn't meant to be super scary, it's meant to feel more ominous and mysterious and suspenceful rather than scary.

This game is kind of a walkthrough horror experience and does not hold your hand. It puts you right at the beginning and expects you to figure out what to do and to explore with little to no guidence.

I would like to give credit to PhatPhoneBook, Brand Name Audio, and Tyops for some of the music and sfx I used in this project.

#horror #other

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