
Connect Comer to Game Jolt

Roses are red, violets are blue, hey Poomba, f*** you
Stomp a Poomba

Almost like hell
Complete the prologue and enter the sewers.

Get all 4 toilet papers in a level.

Crapped your pants, huh?
Crap your pants in the game.

Surprise Motherf-
Find an unpleasant surprise in a lucky block.

Wombo Combo
Get a 3x combo from killing enemies.

Find a secret.

Phew, almost died there
Defeat the Metal Poomba mini-boss.

That's a bit poopy
Defeat the Poop King.

Nooo not the alligator
Defeat the Sewer Gator.

Almost Pissed My Pants
Defeat the Piss God.

Ran, Comer, ran
Escape the angry Poombas.

Saving up for a global crisis
Collect 4 toilet papers in every single level.

I Am Rich
Complete the bonus level by gathering 1k coins in it.