
Comments (1)

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Nice game! I included it in my Ludum Dare 38 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Game made for LDJAM38.
Theme: A Small World
Ludum Dare 38 link$27463

The game has gamepad support (Xbox 360 Controller)

Travel the world to reach the castle and escape for a bigger dimension, but don't mess up with the balance of life in this world. You need to hunt, but be sure you don't extinguish any life form.

Game instructions are on the start screen, but there's some extra tips here:

  • You can wrap around the screen. And all the animals too.

  • Building bridges requires wood and flax. Check your inventory (top center of the screen) if both items goes green you can build a bridge.

  • You can only build a bridge when there is one square of space. Go to the edge of the continent, if the selection square appears on the sea, you can build the bridge.

  • Watch out for not building more bridges than necessary (one per passage). Trees do not regenerate.

  • You don't need to reach the dead rabbit to recover health. Just hit it.

  • Jaguars will attack when attacked. They have 2 hp (each arrow takes 1 hp)


Mild Cartoon Violence
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