
Comments (14)

What do you think?

what engine for c# you used?

Lotsa style! Leaving you with this trainwreck of a Let's Play:

Great start! I included it in part 2 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Shame theres no keyboard play.

This will be such an awesome game. Can't wait. Don't stop trying on this one.

A small Adventure/Platformer game based in the Wild West which I hope to include small minigames inside - Ran out of time unfortunately as I thought I had another day :(( Will still work on this after.

Requires latest .NET to play as this was developed using Monogame.

Can use an XBOX 360 Controller


  • XBOX 360 | Keyboard | Mouse | Action

  • DPAD L/R | A/D | Move

  • B | B | Interact

  • A | Space | Jump

  • L Click | Shoot

  • R Click | Reload

Mouse - For shooting mission, LClick to fire, RClick to reload when empty

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
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