Comments (2)
игра имба,жду обновлений.Например с консолью которую можно активировать с помощью кодов.И ещё есть баг с кубом,если просто стоять и нажать вверх то куб не подпрыгнет,если двигаться и нажать вверх то куб подпрыгнет,что не всегда удобно.
What is this "Cubik Lol"? Nothing remarkable. You play as a robocube that goes through different levels because... Yes, I do not know, just like that. So that you don't get bored, the game is filled with a couple of memes, secret codes and your only in-game friend - Shampoo! He builds levels for you and chats with you. Good-natured man:3 In general, that's all. Why did you read this? Who knows, you seem to have too much free time. Download the game, suffer from crap and most importantly - ENJOY! #other #platformer
— Level 30 now possible (yeah, again)
— Level 31 now easier
— 50 levels
— New cube type
— New mechanics
— Secret Shampur's story
— New codes
*If you see bugs in the game (Collision and control bugs are INCORRIGIBLE and are an important part of the gameplay, so don't count them as bugs) - tell me it in my discord: isabraunn*