
Comments (8)

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Check out "Cultural Influences"

in my Gamejolt compilation #6

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Gamejolt Megacompilation #1 <--Timecode

Top game.

i did a speedrun! wohoo

I had to take 5 tries cause I didn't understand what's what during my first tries

Three or four.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Greatest Song in the World

A game made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 31 #ld48 #LDJAM Compo. All assets were created in the 48 hours.

This interactive experience uses a number of Cultural references, from nursery rhymes, to novels, to video games.

If you go after the Beat the Developer platinum achievment I would love to have an idea as to how many attempts it took.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Cultural Influences Post Mortem for Ludum Dare 30

Cultural Influences Released