Comments (17)
Hey, Good Game, Only Downfall Some of the zombies glitch out and run into another but that is my only complaint. Great idea of a game my friend
gogood game
its kind of boring and very glitchy
This game was amazing! really really well put together and i love these kind of style games so this was perfect to me! good job on creating this!! :D so glad i could make it out alive too :D
Dead Man's Hand - BETA
Find the card and call the helicopter.!
Walk, run, hide, search and attack to survive to the zombie.
This game is a mixture of a survival game and a turn-based game. With several possibilities of movement and action, each game will be different. Use your action points strategically to avoid death. Find weapons in homes to defend yourself or use the escape option.
How long will it take you to get away?
This game was created in 72H for Ludum Dare 41
The theme was : Combine 2 Incompatible Genres
Go vote for our game on the Ludum Dare website !