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Death Wish (ClockWork) is out!

This is a game about a man that just wants to see it all end.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Death Wish 2 The Prequel

So guys i am also working on the prequel to death wish and lets just say i am releasing the demo for that as well on this page so yeah…

Another Update and this one is a big one...

Now we have enough content to last a while so i am going to take a small break…

Demo #2

Ok so just to let everyone know i won’t have much time to finish this game (like 27 days to be sorta exact) so i will be pumping updates out quite quickly…

We are in beta!

So with the release of the first demo (second one coming soon) we enter beta or alpha i don’t know which i will just say beta for now on…anyways next update will be a big one and trust me it will keep you playing for a while…