Comments (6)
Greetings Ladies and Gents! I gave this game a try and though VERY short, I like the message it has and the point that its trying to get across. I wanted to play this so I could help further the message trying to be sent and hope that anyone who is interested will give my video a look see. I really hope that more does come out of this game and that more people take something away from this game because I know I did. Thank you developer for your time and I hope that you will continue working on this project so that more and more people can be reached!
=< >= Thank you and enjoy!
Don't forget to upload your Data folder along with the EXE. The game is currently unplayable without it!
A game (more of an "Interactive Experience" in this case) made for the first annual Serenity Forge Game Jam ( #SFGJ )! This is a quick game that goes through the life of someone recovering from depression, and emphasizes how much little things can matter!
The game is point-and-click. Levels will have clickable areas that are highlighted when the user mouses over them.