
Comments (73)

What do you think?

I will be totally honest.. I don't understand this game.

its addictive

This game was great

Has anybody beaten the game yet? Except Chuck Norris...

When you klick on a rune before shaking and drag, the clicked rune will carry over to the next picking somehow. :/

Might be a Feature ;)

This is a short and fast minimal roguelike where you do everything by shaking, rolling and choosing dice.

I need your opinions to make this a better game!

You might get scared when the game begins and everything starts happening,
if that happens please keep calm and save the world in an orderly fashion.

This was initially my entry for 7DRL, now it's getting improved!

Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Working and progress is good!

This will be playable soon! :D

Making a new version!

Need Feedback!