
Comments (10)

What do you think?

So good...

You weren't kidding when you said this was for experts. The goat kick constantly one shotting you and the extremely quick qtes are tough, animations are real good though.

Edit: After realizing you can just spam dodge and heal through qtes, this became a lot easier. Bit confusing at first even with the tutorial but overall I really enjoyed the work put into this! Grinding out critical mode right now, the final(?) qte is tough as hell.

Edit 2: Somehow managed to spam my way through the last qte and barely survive. Glad you at least had a special ending for it, overall that was pretty ridiculous. But it's critical mode for a reason.

This demo did not sold me on the fighting system you are going for. The quick QTEs that are mandatory to press in order to not get killed by a cheap HP removal attack are a bit too frustrating. Also Im getting way too owerwhelmed by the whole dash cancel system or whatever. It feels like Im playing a fighting game (or DMC) and not a Lisa game.

where is my name, curly...

epic liza game for epic direheads only


Dire vs Alex Final Mix +

Version: 5.1.2about 2 years ago

Dire vs Alex is an engaging and difficult combat demo that is meant to show a glimpse of what LIZA: the Ungrateful's Update combat will be like on release.

You can post feedback or bugs in my discord server.


-Critical Mode

-Turbo Mode

-Hell and Hell mode


[It's highly recommended you play the tutorial first before fighting Alex.]

[You can hold SHIFT after selecting START to skip the intro.]

[Pressing F12 will return you to the title screen.]

[Turbo mode increases the speed of all animations, including Alex's attacks.]

[Critical Mode decreases Dire's HP by 100 and DEF by 4, but increases her SP by 20.]

-4.6.0 patch notes -

-4.6.2 patch notes -

-4.6.3 patch notes -

-4.6.5 patch notes -

-4.6.7 patch notes

*Fixed the halo graphic bug when in Hell and Hell Mode

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Multiple updates, many bugfixes/changes.

Playability increased, difficulty unchanged.