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Djoof's Gamejolt Community
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This game is Bear certified
Go play it you Goobers!

Can't wait dude

I liked the idea of animation during character activation


Aw nah 140 characters?!?!? Ey there is dark deception reference it it


Djoof's UCN 1 Remastered (DJUPD Demo)

Version: 1.0.1almost 2 years ago

(This section of the page is for the demo. In a later date the whole description of the page will get updated to match the final release.)

To the page of Djoof's UCN 1 Remastered! DJUCN1R for short. DJUCN1R is a remaster of my very first game made in 2019, where I made a Ultimate Custom Night fangame but the roster is whoever I wanted to add. Expect FNaF characters of course, but other characters from other media as well!

This is going to be my last UCN project for a very long time, maybe even forever, so I am going all out with it and making it something special.

If you want to get more frequent updates on my game, join my Discord server!


-Over 100 different characters you can play with ranging from 0-20 difficulty! Hope you like to read!

-Small set of options to customize Beejoof, the character you play as, to give yourself a variety of different buffs!

-A couple of menu themes.

Yeah not a lot, but it's only a demo so it's justified!


Coding - @Djoof

Renders - @Djoof @ICMation @Arrnon @CGlitchOfficial @betadipsygipsy @heroicweavile @JGBYoutube

2D Drawings - @ICMation

Pixel Artists - @Your_Computer_Guy @Hayge

Sticker Artworks - @Milkified @Broboimation @Your_Computer_Guy @heroicweavile @Rinify

Beta Testing - @Poloswagger552 @Luca-the-bear @Rellyali1987 @LancerSpade + everyone listed above


What do you expect with the full release? Well...

-The remaining characters in both the base roster and Dee-Dee's roster.

-The rest of BJ's customizables, which is over 100!

-Shops to fulfill all sorts of different purposes.

-Achievements to unlock through the game.

-The second main mode, the Challenge Mode!

-Endless and Party modes as side modes.

-Night modifiers to change up your custom nights!

-A skill tree for further boosts to your custom nights.

-The tutorial, full of details and in-depth information.

-Many more faces to encounter all throughout the game.

-And more! There will be a lot of content in the game. Right now the game is basically 20-25% done!


Five Nights at Freddy's belongs to Scott Cawthon

Five Nights at Candy's belongs to Emil Macko

One Night at Flumpty's belongs to Jonochrome

One Night With a Box belongs to Bubygamer11

Teddy Shift belongs to ICMation

Dark Deception belongs to Glowstick Entertainment

Minecraft belongs to Microsoft

Super Mario, Warioware, Pokemon, and Kirby belongs to Nintendo

Portal belongs to Valve

The Amazing World of Gumball belongs to Cartoon Network

Back at the Barnyard belongs to Nickelodeon

Madagascar belongs to Dreamworks

Hello Kitty belongs to Sanrio

Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion belongs to Lag Studios

Various OCs used in the game belongs to their respective owners

Some sounds found on

(Model credits are in game)

#fnaf #fangame #ucn

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

Game isn't dead, there's just been a lot going on behind the scenes.



Today I have three big announcements to show off. I have nothing more so lets begin!


We put the "custom" in Ultimate Custom Night, as you'll be able to change the GUI colors! Still a WIP as this will get more updated later on but for now here is a preview!

In addition to this, the game page's images have been updated.