Comments (4)
Really random and colorful and nice. Well done! I included it in part 16 of my Lowrez Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/4oRtNbFjTIc
not too bad i like the idea works very well and very challenging nice work.
Dodge the objects to stay alive as long as you can. You control your position using keys a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, and l.
'A' puts you at the very left of the screen, and 'L' the very right of the screen. The other keys put you in between. You can also press 'space' to activate your shield for a short period of time. The shield has a short cooldown.
Would love to get any feedback, really the game is just a bit of fun for #lowrezjam. Hope you enjoy!
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