
Comments (29)

What do you think?

So very cute! Love this game. I included it in part 11 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


XD i dowloaded it just so it'd run faster, but i'm sitting here on the title screen just jaming out to the music

The music was awesome!

But can there be a save station after each boss? Kind of sucks having to restart after you die :/

Other than that everything was awesome; graphics, gameplay, etc.

Fun Game! Great music and graphics.

The game is so cool! I loved everything, from the soundtrack to the art! It has that gameboy feel all over! Really nice work, congratulations!

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Made for #gbjam 4

Arrows to move
X to select/attack
C to go back/swap skill
SPACE to open menu

Walk your way through the rooms and boss battle with one of the 3 classes in this GB-style roguelike.
Apparently I like the number 3, there are 3 classes, 3 base skills for each class, 3 enemy types, 3 boss battles.
Don't forget to equip, and you can find better skills after the first boss.

Edit: The game was glitchy (everything was slowly floating) for some people in the standalone version, I tried to fix it but I'm not sure where the problem was. If it persists please tell me.

Art by me @fifiware
Code by me and @andresilvs
Music by TMRodrigues

Cartoon Violence
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