
Comments (66)

What do you think?

third in the world. woop.

The song upon every restart cracks me up.

good game would like to see upgrades to car too

A very fun game !

._. wutt?

**Drink Driver Bros

**(fyi drink-driver is British English for drunk driver, I'm not illiterate, we invented the language you RACISTS)

Made for GameJolt Contest 10 in approximately a week - UNFINISHED


Yeah yeah update soon soon soon I promise


The drink driver bros are on their way to a party. But they've already started drinking beer on the way!

Drink driving is dangerous!

See if you can reach the party safely. Shoot down any bothersome policemen or civilians which happen to get in your way.

Press spacebar to steer car.

Click mouse to shoot weapon.

Here's just some of the updates I have planned for this game:
-Story mode - stop at every pub and crash every party along the way (instead of drinking in your car!). As you score higher and higher, you reach new areas and unlock more character dialogue.

-More variety - more obstacles, different scenery, roads, buildings, pedestrians: more things to crash into! More environments, boat-driving areas and helicopter-driving areas.

-Hijacking - grab new vehicles to throw off the police.

-More upgrades - different starting vehicles, more weapons (explosive ones) and powerups.

-Better graphics and sound - better quality, higher resolution. I didn't spend much time on either of these things during the GameJolt contest and tried to get them out of the way as quickly as possible!

-Soundtrack - some tunes to listen to while you play.

-More platforms - Executables, HTML5 and phones/tablets are all on the cards thanks to the HaxePunk game library.

Basically, more of everything and more stuff besides!

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Update 23/11/2013

Update 22/11/2013

Update 20/11/2013

Update 18/11/2013

Update 1
-Made some quick fixes and changes. The game is now much easier.
-Car now steered using spacebar.
Update 2
-Added theme song
-Game now starts using spacebar.
Update 3
-Added splash screen with my name and GameJolt on it.