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The Cult of Mick Mick Community
7 Members


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Warning: this games flashing lights and loud sounds. Play at your own Risk. Your life is more important than a FNAF fan game.

Also note: Please install the fonts "5 Computers in Love", "VCR OSD Mono" and "Treasure Map Deadland" or else some of the test will not display properly.

2008 5/10/24 : Disney decided it was time to reopen Discovery Island. The team sent there were tasked with getting everything ready before, before June 8th of that year. But with all the team members being busy, they released that since news is coming out about the reopening there was a chance some brat would sneak onto the place and steal stuff. So they hired a night guard to watch the place till' June 8th. They found one that would begin work a week before (June 1st). Little did they knew of the dark secret of what was happening since the initial closure of the island.

Some demon had claimed the island home, long before Disney decided to reopen.

The soft reboot to The Cult of Mick Mick and a retake on the infamous FNATI fan game by Malrat in 2016, "Let The Show Begin". #fangame #fnaf #pointnclick #survival


@RadianceGamesOfficial @AnArt1996 for FNATI

@Slimebeast for Abandoned by Disney

@Malrat_ for Let The Show Begin

@realscawthon for FNAF

Beta Testers @FazeFazbear-Studios @JustARandomPersonOnTheInternet

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Only thing to note is that PN Minnie will be first active night 3, instead of night 4. Because yes.

doing the intro

think I should make a intro for when you press new game.

gives the button more of a purpose.

BTS of Impurity's redone jumpscare. I take no questions.

now that i think about it.... imitation mouse is the only one with a good jumpscare. the other ones have too little frames. (might not changed oswald's his is fine) I think this was a net positive for the game

I think I can fix this. I will have to redo some animations. but at least it won't be bothering me anymore

imma just try to make the game with the eye issue. some things are just don't want to be symmetrical I guess

ever since I leaned of the eyes being off centered. My motivation dropped down by 99%.

trying to fix the eyes on my base mickey svg. HOW DID I FUCK UP HIS FACE THIS MUCH!

just saw that the eyes on the mickey suit base I made are off centred.... kill me :)