
Comments (21)

What do you think?

how the heck did he changed the music?

i lost 1h to find mobile version on this web and i got NOTHING pls make a mobile version just add joy stick and button._.

not even possible, this is outragous

haha gaster blaster spam go brrrrr

a pog mod from lazy lets goooo


Legacy Dusttrust phase 2 remake

Version: 1.0.0about 3 years ago
Dustnut go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Legacy Dusttrust phase 2 remake outdated hardmode

Version: 1.2.0about 3 years ago
WARNING: This is really unbalanced and unfinished attacks so yes some attacks are barely possible to survive.


Gonna be honest.

The game won't be finished soon cuz I've lost a lot of motivation on both playing UT fangames and coding games.

So I'm not sure when this will be finished so I'm sorry.

There's highly chance that I'll continue this game after my final exam (Next 16-25th September are my final exam days)

so ah... yep ya have to wait. If you ask for the progress so...

The fight is now at the pre-final stage.

You can say this publish version is outdated now (Included non-hardmode)

Cuz in this hardmode that I'm currently making is way different from this version that still publish on GJ page.

Funny dusttrusty

Hardmode is now released but it's outdated.

Since I moved onto GMS and to make it looks better I have to recreate entire things.

I decided to released the outdated version *HAVE FUN*