
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Lets fucking go

i am so fuckin hyped


this is so unofficial bro


Miss the old Dusttrust Sans? Then welcome to this page. This game will be a recreation of the first released and leaked Dusttrust. I decided to use old sprites and music because I want you to get the full experience. That's all for now, take care yourself.

Team Members;

@FuLiNT = Project Owner and Coder

@_ilovecookies_ = Project Owner and Coder

@SpaceStationaire = Spriter


Undertale by Toby Fox

Underswap by p0pcornpr1nce

Disbelief by FlamesAtGames

Dusttrust by Dillywolf (Created by Sawsk)

Sprites by Sharfav3n, SegaSonic and December

Musics by Nickolas and BenyiC03

Engine by TML

#fangame #undertale #underswap #dusttrust

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Sorry for not sharing any posts so far, but I can't find anything to share, we are continuing to make the game but progress has slowed down a bit, but you can be sure the game will be finished (I guess).

I'm sorry I couldn't devlog yesterday, but I didn't have much information to give, the overworld is almost over, that's all I can say.

hello guys, without further ado, let's start our weekly devlog;

i will share the first devlog thingy today. don't expect much.

i don't want to hear homicidal lunacy anymore.
