As a broke adult, you need to move out of your parent's house. Don't worry- The local Freadbears Family Diner has got you covered.
Gameplay: In this game, you have to use A Fredbear mask, The music box, and lights!
Demo versions: Demo 01 night 01 included.
Demo 02 night(s) 01 02 and 03 included.
Demo 03 night(s) 01 02 03 04 and 05 included.
Full release: night(s) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 included. + shadow realm
(NOTE! This is my first fnaf fangame so I would be happy if you would NOT send hate to me-zackegh :D)
@zackegh  - Owner
@Aorawastaken1 - UI/UX, Modeling
@Ross_K - Phone guy voice actor
CREDITS: @Aorawastaken1 @zackegh @Ross_K
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed