
Comments (17)

What do you think?

There's so much I adore about this game. I love the style, graphically it's really pleasant to look at. The story you've got building up in the background as you beat each level really inspires the player to keep going as well. Clever game mechanics for sure!​

I did get completely stumped as I got further into this demo though, and frustration took over as I tried (and failed) to get past a certain set of fiendish puzzles. Perhaps I'll try again at some point (I did try a few other things after initially giving up but I didn't get anywhere), but for now I'll just be happy with what I managed to complete!

I'm sure this game will be super successful, I just wish I had the brains to match it =D keep up the amazing work, this was honestly a beautifully made demo.

Art looks amazing! Love it!

9/10: Плюсы: 1) Графика - красивая и не напрягает глаз 2) Головоломки - не слишком легкие и не слишком сложные, а также очень интересные 3) Gameplay- интересный и не сказать, что банальный 4) Игра спокойная и никуда не спешит, вообщем расслабляет Минусы: 1)Честно говоря, я так и не понял сюжета , может я не далеко продвинулся 2)Игра местами пустая и скучноватая ! Заметил один баг (может так и надо и это вовсе и не баг), в катсцене про снег(самое начало), а точнее снега не было! Итог: Мне понравилось,я бы ее порекомендовал тем , кто любит головоломки, не хочет напрягаться. Я оценивал игру по СВОЕМУ мнению

Loveliest game to ever play and really loving the art/graphics of the game

Amazing game dev , i hope you enjoy my gameplay :D couldn't beat level 2 :(


Ever Forward is an adventure puzzle game —

It is the story of Maya.

Maya is lost in a strange world somewhere between reality and imagination. She is alone to confront her despair on her journey of discovery, where she must unlock her memories and confront her fears to unravel the secrets of the world. Players will need to use their observational skills and intelligence to solve multiple puzzles to piece together the mystery of Maya's past and what dark secrets she has buried.


Key Features

- Puzzles

For more than three years, our designers racked their brains designing puzzles with the “puzzle gamer” in mind. Players will feel deeply challenged and motivated to solve each puzzle, and some puzzles have multiple ways of being completed to fit different kinds of thinkers and logical processes.


- The Art

A color pallet of soothing pastels and futuristic tones designed to simulate the absurd nature of of the world.


- Adventure

Players can collect fragments of memories in the world to unlock new areas and new puzzles.


- Mechanics

Mechanics ranges from simple movement and jump to teleportation and gravity control, the player must use stealth and observational skills to navigate each puzzle.



To keep up to date with all the latest information on Ever Forward, please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and join us on Discord.

For more information, please contact:
Quentin Sterling – Brand Manager – Pathea Games
[email protected] // +8618523937580

About Pathea Games

Pathea Games was founded in 2012; it's our mission to make unique games based on new technology, new ideas, and user-generated content. We strongly believe that community input is fundamental to the future of gaming and entertainment. We are currently creating titles for PC, mobile, and consoles.

We are located in Chongqing, China.

Visit for more information.

#puzzle #strategy #other #adventure


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#puzzlegame #puzzle #3dart #3D #adventure #puzzle #games #gameart

In game test of a new #puzzle before the upcoming #demo release. We like the way it is shaping up, what do you think?

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Meet MAYA.

Ever Forward approaches #puzzle #gaming from multi-dimensions.
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Check out the Demo coming in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned

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Pc Demo coming in few weeks