
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Definitely not bad, but currently there's not much to do other than build something. I'd also mess with the background a little because it can get disorienting at times.

Elbei is a game currently in development that takes place in an alien world. Elbei is the last of her species, and she must survive.

Currently Elbei is in its earliest playable state, not much exists but flat terrain and a few signs.

So far planned features include

  • An expanded inventory system

  • Various items and tiles to interact with, use, and build with

  • Creatures both passive and hostile towards Elbei as well as each other.

  • A health and hunger mechanic to make the game more difficult and worth playing

  • A large world to explore featuring several different biomes.

  • Day/Night system with weather.

The game will be updated in the future, so long as nothing hinders development.


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