
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Hey Dev,
I took some time to walk around one of the environments and ity looks like a really good starting point for the game you are trying to make, crisp shadows and a decent player model. I would definitely get some core mechanics in here, even if they are rough at first, just to give the player something to interact with for the time being. Keep up the good work and ill be watching your dev posts :)

My Video:



Version: 0.3.0almost 6 years ago


At this point in the game's development, not much time has been put into fleshing out the game's story. The following is a basic outline of what the story might be. This could change later on.

The player is tasked with recovering artifacts, that were stolen from the castle of a monarch. They have been hidden inside obstacle courses. To help recover them, the monarch has given the player an ‘element cannon’, which they can use to traverse the hazards.


#puzzle #platformer #adventure

The player earns points by collecting key items that are hidden at points around the map; of which there are up to four. The player can find these my shifting their perspective to different viewpoints around the map and use landmarks to locate them.

The player can throw balls of snow or fire to manipulate the environment:

  • ­Snow will put out fires, freeze water, and temporarily stun NPCs.

  • Fire create temporary fires on the ground, melt snow and ice, Cause water to evaporate, and cause NPCs to take damage.

The player is averse to water and fire; hazards which populate the environment. Therefore, the player must use both to be able to get around them.
The player’s score at the end is based on the time it took them to complete find all the items, as well as how many times they used their abilities.

Full game design document


Build 3.0 has a redesigned, simplified level editor utility.

Build 0.2.1 is out! Mostly technical; but still exciting nonetheless. A key backend component has been completed which allows for the game's systems to interoperate. Now the game's foundation is complete, I can start working on more exciting features.

Build 0.2 has been published! It is now possible to generate maps based on external heightmap data or perlin noise. A whole new environmental sound system has been added, and the game engine has been updated; which should provide improved performance.

Just published a patch to the build that was posted yesterday. This patch addresses the broken terrain controls in the level editor and a bug in the level selector that meant that the first level was always loaded; despite what the player had selected.

The first build of the game is now available! It includes a bare-bones version of the level editor and a testing environment for them. Progress has been slow, but now the groundwork is complete, I expect progress should accelerate significantly.