Comments (1)
Pretty cool, pretty cool. Although, would be good if i could use the WASD keys.
Enter The Balitix
En Enter the Balitix el objetivo es eliminar 20 enemigos en la primera fase del juego, para poder abrir la puerta secreta que nos lleva directamente a la sala del Boss, y acabar con el mal.
Controles: Flechas de direccion equivalen al movimiento del personaje.
Mouse controla la direccion del arma.
Click izq. dispara el arma.
1,2,3 son las distintas armas.
In Enter the Balitix the objective is to eliminate 20 enemies in the first phase of the game, to be able to open the secret door that takes us directly to the room of the Boss, and end the evil.
Controls: Direction arrows equal the movement of the character.
Mouse controls the direction of the weapon.
Left Click Shoot the gun
1,2,3 are the different weapons.