
Welcome To Equestria
Started up a new game.

Did Not Steal
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Rescued Rainbow Dash!

Rescued Applejack!

Rescued Pinkie Pie!

Rescued Rarity!

Rescued Fluttershy!

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Completed "Pest Control" and unlocked Pinkamena!

Comic Book Hero
Completed "Power Ponies: Terror Of The Mane-iac" and unlocked Mane-iac!

For The Hive!
Completed "The Hive's Greatest Defense" and unlocked Changeling and Queen Chrysalis!

Equestria Girls
Completed "A Strange New World" and unlocked Sunset Shimmer!

Rainbow Rocks
Completed "A Strange New World 2" and unlocked The Sirens!

Elements Of Harmony
Rescued the other Mane 6!

The Sun Rises...
Rescued Princess Celestia!

The Moon Rises...
Rescued Princess Luna!

Trixie's Jewel
Find Trixie's Jewel and unlock her!

Solar Power
Rescued all of the Solar Guards!

Lunar Power
Rescue all of the Lunar Guard!

Annoying Customer
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Desolation II
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Desolation III
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Desolation IV
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Desolation V
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Princess Of Friendship
Beat the game!

True Equestrian
Completed 100% of the game!