
Comments (5)

What do you think?

i can do that

btw it take a long time to do this so you try it

its a fricking text game what do you expext and its not even done.

1kb Made with "Other" named system 32


sytem 32.exe OFFICIAL/ old gamertag was hacked sry

Version: 0.0.5almost 8 years ago

type sytem 32.exe to look a old decripson


some screanshots

read coments

how to work the game

you need to click download and copy all the text on the page than you open notepad and paste the txt in to notepad and save it and call it http://sytem32.bat and thats it and you can play it

new ver out NOW

so im relesing the new ver today after this devlog so hope you guys like it :)

so tired

so iv ben working for 2 days straigt so im taking a break from being a dev.
new ver comeing in 1 a day yay. and fixing the bug to so ya