Comments (14)
Jeg har prøvet spillet, og jeg kan lige så godt sige, at jeg på ingen måde var i nærheden af gennemføre det. For mig var det udmærket lille spil, og jeg elsker både grafikken og musikken. At det er et udfordrende platform spil, er sådan set okay, men mine evner er det ikke et spil som jeg nogen sinde vil komme til at kunne gennemføre. Jeg oplevede også et par gange at hoppe mekanismen ikke altid virkede, men okay det er et problem i alt for mange platformspil. Men som en af dine første lavede spil så er det ret godt lavet.
Tak for oplevelsen
uh made a play through video of this game..
Holy crap...
I did it...
I swear that wall should have hit me...
Dear developer...
I love you and hate you at the same time...
Thank you...
In all honesty though, that game was amazing, for the very last level you have to nail every jump... and that can be hard when sometimes the jump button refuses to work.
Anyway that was a fun little rage game and I loved every second of it.
Good luck with all the other games you create in the future, I just know they'll be good ones.
This game brought me to a whole new level of irritated that I didn't know I could reach lol. In some odd way it was still enjoyable!
Check out my gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_HZCuCH8Z0
Escape Pinkuu!
Thanks A LOT to the youtubers playing/promoting my game. Big love for you all <3
You're an Astronaut and have crashed on Pinkuu! There's a lot of dangers but hopefully you will survive!
Escape Pinkuu is a really short (But extremly hard) game, featuring 15 levels including 3 boss levels.
Can you beat it?